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Written by Award Winning Beat Redundancy Blues founder Sandra Bellamy, packed full of useful 'how to' advice and guidance on everything job-hunting from how to beat your blues; reconnect with your inner being, gain more confidence, network and market yourself successfully as a job-seeker; how to write outstanding cover letters and CVs - that get results; how to answer those tough interview questions, how to get the employer to say yes to you, and how to achieve your dream job in six simple steps, plus tons more; this book is the ONLY 'MUST HAVE' job -seeking book that you will ever need. Everything you could want to know to successfully get back into work, is in this book.

Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy To Get Back Into Work - An A-Z 'How To' Guide is a complete A-Z system for getting back into work, it takes a holistic view of redundancy that is all about getting back to the roots of who you are and what you were born to do, before the noise of life got in the way. This book uniquely covers twenty-six aspects of redundancy and provides eighty benefits. It’s a system because each of the chapters is broken down into ‘5 components of redundancy’. You need to master all components in order to give you the best chance of success at getting back into work. Because this book takes a holistic view of redundancy, it will revolutionise the way you think about redundancy, job-seeking and life in general. One of the key components to master first of all is wellbeing skills, before exploring what options are available to you and learning the practical job skills. Although wellbeing skills are interwoven throughout the book, because what we feel and think about on the inside (our internal environment), reflects on what actions we take to change our outer environment.

This book is different because it does not just focus on one element of redundancy, but on the many barriers you need to conquer if you are to successfully get back into work. In this book, Sandra shows you how to deal with the inner trauma and turmoil of being made redundant such as grief and depression; before focusing on the practical elements such as job-hunting, CV and cover letter writing; and dealing with tough interview questions, so you can make an informed choice about which future path you should take.

By reading this book you will learn how to:

Beat redundancy blues before applying for jobs
Love yourself to overcome almost any obstacle
Discover what makes you happy and act on it
Seize redundancy as an opportunity
Job-hunt and network effectively
Recognise your transferable skills and relate them to other jobs
Write an attention-grabbing CV and outstanding cover letters
Tackle interviews in 3 simple steps
Answer tough interview questions
Market yourself effectively in 5 easy steps
Understand self-employment and work out if it could be right for you
Achieve your dream job
And so much more

This unique guide by Sandra Bellamy, Founder of business award-winning '', is the ideal companion for any redundant worker or jobseeker. The Author's management background involved all aspects of recruitment, and she has experienced redundancy 3 times. Sandra knows both sides of the recruitment process and has packed everything she has learnt about how to get back into work, into this practical and user-friendly A-Z guide. SHOP NOW and add to cart!

You can also buy this book on Amazon here and if you live in the EU, due to tax laws you cannot buy this book through here but only on Amazon. I apologise for any inconvinence this may cause you.